Safe & Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a revolutionary non-invasive sound therapy developed by neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges for the treatment of many dysregulation disorders, treating not only trauma and anxiety but also noise, pain, sound sensitivities, ADHD, Autism, Stroke, Brain Injury and lots more. A key challenge for someone who has post-traumatic stress disorder is the inability to regulate their physiological survival response. As an automatic and unconscious reaction, a person can rationally know they aren’t in danger while still experiencing hypervigilance and even panic. Achieving stabilisation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) through SSP can help people engage with along with other treatment interventions, allowing them to begin to process their trauma in a safe and regulated way.

Who is this for?

Individuals who wish to re-regulate their nervous system, who may feel unsafe or dysregulated in environments or social settings and would like to expand their window of tolerance. When we begin to experience our world as “safe”, we have more ability and resources available within ourselves to work through stressful or highly stimulating environments. SSP is suitable across all ages and can be taken standalone or as a complement to therapy or counselling.

Addresses the Conditions & Symptoms of:

  • Chronic Stress

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD/CPTSD)

  • Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Depression

  • Panic Attacks

  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

  • Learning + Behavioural Challenges

  • Long Covid

  • Auditory or Sensory Processing DIfferences

  • Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS)

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

  • Fibromyalgia or Chronic / Unexplained Pain

  • Body Tension

  • Other Neurological Diagnosed Conditions/Symptoms

  • …and more…


Book a quick call to go over the package options available.





Initial Session (60 min)

Includes: App Setup/Access, Nervous System Assessment, and Schedule.

CONNECT Program (5 Hours)

CORE Program (5 Hours)

BALANCE Program (5 Hours)

Closing Session (60 min)

Includes: Next Steps, Nervous System Assessment and Scale.

Intake Assessment

Check-In via Form after every CORE Session

Ebook Journal

Includes: AM/PM monitoring, daily/weekly self-check-ins, and information and support.

10 Weeks Access



Initial Session (60 min)

Includes: App Setup/Access, Nervous System Assessment, and Schedule.

CONNECT Program (5 Hours)

CORE Program (5 Hours)

BALANCE Program (5 Hours)

Closing Session (60 min)

Includes: Next Steps, Nervous System Assessment and Scale.

Intake Assessment

Check-In via Form after every CORE Session

Ebook Journal

Includes: AM/PM monitoring, daily/weekly self-check-ins, and information and support.

10 Weeks Access

5 Support Sessions (5 x 60 min)
(to utilize during the program)