Therapy can be more than healing— it can be transformational. Through movement, intention, and a sense of a positive future.”


Shalini Cameron


For the past four years, I have dedicated myself to somatic therapy and embodiment education, where I guide individuals on a journey to discover the richness and vitality of their human experience. My approach is rooted in the profound, inseparable connection between body and psyche, and I firmly believe that within each of us lies an inherent resilience, intelligence, and wisdom waiting to be uncovered and harnessed.

My work focuses on helping people uncover their personal meaning, innate strength, and wisdom, channelling these into a more conscious and authentic way of living. Through this process, individuals can more easily access deeper human connections and a fuller expression of Self, health, and well-being. By working with both the psyche and the body, I assist clients in developing self-awareness and understanding the hidden motivations, desires, and fears essential for personal growth and transformation.

Drawing on the alchemical combination of Jungian depth psychology and somatics—including embodied cognition, intuitive and expressive movement, neuroplasticity, and active imagination—I weave in elements of ancient mythology and human existence. This integrative approach allows my clients to explore the depths of their being and unlock their potential.

As a somatic psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, trauma specialist, and embodiment & yoga teacher, I specialize in the intricate relationship between the body and psyche. I am in constant awe of the human spirit’s strength and the body’s innate intelligence and healing capabilities, often buried deep within our unconscious. I am inspired by the unique ways we, as human beings, long to feel and manifest our true selves in our relationships and the world around us.

My passion lies in illuminating the path for others, whether buried in physical or emotional suffering or simply curious about deepening their connection with themselves. I thrive on guiding each individual nervous system towards its innate potential for real recovery while subtly empowering my clients with the understanding and regulation they need to succeed on their journey.

I believe in the emerging, evidence-based power of integrating the body and psyche to help us recover our true selves and experience the fullness of life. My expertise spans working with a diverse clientele, many of whom have suffered deeply from emotional or physical pain and diagnosed health conditions. Through safety, regulation, and capacity-building, my work is to safely unblock and release unresolved trauma, chronic stress, and emotional states locked within the body and nervous system, helping those suffering from pain, anxiety, stress, trauma, and disconnection from their bodies find healing and homeostasis.

& Training

  • Diploma in Hypno-Psychotherapeutic Counselling

  • Certificate in Hypnosis

  • Certificate in Psychotherapy

  • Certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

  • Certificate in Counselling Skills and Theory

  • 200 Hour Certified and Registered Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Level 1

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Level 2 (In Progress)

  • Foundational Training for Trauma-Informed Yoga

  • Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine

  • Rewind Technique for PTSD and Phobias

  • Grief Counselling

  • PGCE in Psychology

  • BSC(hons) Psychology

  • The Safe & Sound Protocol

  • Somatic Attachment Therapy

  • Polyvagal Therapy in Yoga

“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. It will be a permanent Self, rooted in awareness and creativity. Once you have captured this, you have captured the world.”


Shalini’s Approach

  • Sometimes therapy can be a daunting and difficult process of learning to sit with the often uncomfortable and challenging thoughts, feelings and emotions that can arise. I hold a safe and therapeutic space for you to gently unravelling layers of self, to witness and honour those emotions and work through the discomfort to get to the core, for true transformation and healing to begin, meeting each challenge together, discovering and re aligning your life and goals to your true self.

  • I am passionate about meeting people in their darkest places to help them discover their best self. I support my clients in developing a solid self so that they can remain grounded while facing life’s challenges. Whether you are confronting your fears, finding your voice, or recovering from trauma, the foundation of my work is based on the belief that all people have intrinsic significance, every person matters and every person deserves to heal.

  • My work is informed from a mind-body perspective and the underlying premise that our relationship to ourselves, others, and the world is not only routed in our mind and thoughts but also our felt sense and our body and how safe we feel in ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world we live in our body. Therapy is on the verge of changing! Research shows that the mind and body are interconnected, and unprocessed negative emotional states can manifest into physical conditions and illnesses.

  • Therapy has changed from traditional talk therapy and new evidence has discovered new approaches to complete and whole healing and change. Having gone through my own healing of trauma and knowledge of the neurobiology and physiology of trauma, I have trained with organisations founded by leading trauma experts in America, such as Pat Ogen and Stephen Porges.

  • Therapy doesn’t just mean addressing the past and any childhood traumas. I meet you where you are in this present moment experience, which opens the doorway into how you are experiencing a felt sense based on your story. I pace to your needs and invite in your strengths; I welcome and appreciate you as unique individuals with differences and boundaries. I work with you to trust and honour your innate potential to grow and evolve and help you discover the next step in your journey and development.

  • I hold this space for you with mindfulness, presence, empathy, non-judgement and attunement to your process, with a desire to understand and work with your story.I am your guide to work and be your support from our first meeting to attaining your new aligned goals. I embody unity in practice through a unified, creative and embodied approach to change and healing. I am trained in multiple psychotherapeutic modalities. Just as every individual is unique, so too is every solution. I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all all approach.
