
Somatic Psychotherapy | Trauma Therapy | Safe & Sound Protocol

About Shalini Cameron

Shalini works with the psyche and the body to uncover self-awareness and understand your hidden motivations, desires, and fears, essential for personal growth and transformation. This allows her clients to channel these gifts into more conscious and authentic choices, accessing deeper human connection and fuller expression of self, health, and well-being.

Nervous System Health & Recovery

The nervous system plays a key role in transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Factors such as adequate sleep, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management can contribute to the health of the nervous system. In cases of injury, trauma or illness, the nervous system also can recover and adapt. Rehabilitation, therapy, and a supportive environment can facilitate recovery, allowing individuals to regain function and improve their quality of life.

Somatic Psychotherapy

Somatic psychotherapy employs a mind-body approach by exploring, releasing and regulating our emotions and bodily sesnations adding mindfulness and bodily sensations to emotions and insight, somatic work enables us to integrate the instinctive, unconscious, right-brain aspects of our experiences with the analytic, linguistic, left-brain aspects.

Movement & Embodiment

Embodiment and movement practices help regulate the nervous system and promote the uninhibited flow of emotions to foster a more profound connection between the mind and body. Ultimately contributing to an enhanced state of well-being and holistic integration.

Shalini’s Approach

I love working with people to free their minds and bodies from both emotional and physical pain to help them live the life they deserve. We now have science to prove the connection between the mind and body and that the physical body manifests your emotional state.

If you’ve been suffering from an unexplained chronic pain or illness such as fibromyalgia or dystonia, or you suffer from chronic anxiety and stress, it likely comes from an emotional or psychological cause. 

Your deeper part of your mind (subconscious) and body stores and records every life narrative. So, while the conscious mind can move on and forget, the body and subconscious remember in order to be more prepared for future stressful events. The problem occurs when we don’t take the time to release this tension and emotional baggage to re-regulate our nervous system. If we don’t release the emotional baggage of our past, our bodies, nervous system and subconscious will soon let us know through illness, unexplained health conditions, neurological disorders, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, sleep and eating issues. It is a sign that our body is overloaded with the burden of unprocessed stress, trauma and emotional weight.

Featured Blogs

Explore the blogs for a deeper insight, education and wisdom into the approaches that Shalini embodies.

  • Anonymous Functional Neurological Disorder Client

    “In 2022, I began to experience some strange symptoms. I was choking when eating and having difficulty swallowing. By December of that year, my speech became very slurred and my face was affected. Several months later, I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorders. A month or so later, I started to have Functional seizures (Non-epileptic seizure disorder). They would occur at any time of day or night and have a huge negative impact on my life.

    I started seeing Shalini Cameron in June. She skillfully identified my issues and helped me to understand that my nervous system was deregulated and needed to come back under control. Shalini used a range of treatments, including EMDR and somatic exercise. I then began the Safe + Sound protocol and saw significant changes. I went from having 20 – 25 Functional Seizures a day to now having one or two.

    Recently, I have experienced some nasty hypersalivation. I decided, with Shalini’s guidance, that I would give Safe + Sound a try again, as it had made a profound impact on my Functional seizures. After only a few Safe and Sound sessions, I already see a big change in my salivation symptoms.”

  • Anonymous Trauma Therapy Client

    “I began my sessions with Shalini After experiencing trauma as a result of a traumatic and shocking car accident, which was beyond comprehension. I totally froze at the events and had feelings of intense helplessness, shock, Terror and flashbacks.

    I can only say that my trauma-healing session with Shalini was an unbelievably amazing experience.

    Having worked with Shalini for many weeks, she suggested a trauma healing session, which enabled the body to speak and express itself to release the trauma that is trapped within.

    The session was amazing. Everything Shalini had said about the body holding onto trauma was true, and I felt that my body could finally speak, almost shout even to be heard. As I lay in a safe spot in the comfort of my bedroom, I had Shalini's voice guide me and my body. As I closed my eyes, I had Shalini’s voice guiding me, letting me know I was safe, and my body spoke like never before. It was as if my body could finally disconnect from my mind and not feel “locked away”. My body moved and danced almost like it had never before. My body felt like it was being heard.

    The itching, restlessness and heat I had been experiencing for weeks prior to this session has improved beyond measure and is almost non-existent. The heaviness in my legs has gone, making them feel as light as a feather. I can't recommend this treatment enough. The way I connected to my body and the way my body allowed itself to speak was a wonderful, wonderful experience of which I would recommend to anyone dealing with trauma.

    Every session I have had with Shalini had been beneficial and very much needed and appreciated, the trauma healing session in particular, was without a doubt one of the best sessions I have had. I cannot recommend the experience enough. The freedom it gave my body and the tension and trauma it has helped to release is second to none, an amazing experience with the freeze response I had held in my body feeling it has now been discharged.”

  • Anonymous Trauma Therapy Client

    “I sought out Shalini when I was suffering from re-emergent PTSD resulting from childhood trauma. Unlike other counsellors, Shalini understood that CBT wasn't nearly enough. With great compassion, Shalini guided me through a blend of trauma-specific therapies, including somatic techniques, hypnotherapy, EMDR and the Safe & Sound Protocol. The results were, frankly, startling. In just a few sessions, a huge weight was lifted, and the crippling trauma responses abated. I can't thank Shalini enough for her support, and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone struggling to cope with a traumatic past.”